The Road You Never Want to See Again

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The Road Quotes

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"You forget what yous desire to remember, and you lot call back what you want to forget."
― The Route
― The Route
"Nobody wants to be hither and nobody wants to leave."
― The Road
― The Road
"Once in that location were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could run into them standing in the amber electric current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the catamenia. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the earth in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a affair which could not be put dorsum. Not be made right again. In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery."
― The Route
― The Route
"There is no God and we are his prophets."
― The Road
― The Road
"He walked out in the greyness light and stood and he saw for a brief moment the absolute truth of the world. The cold relentless circling of the intestate earth. Darkness implacable. The blind dogs of the sun in their running. The crushing blackness vacuum of the universe. And somewhere two hunted animals trembling like footing-foxes in their cover. Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it."
― The Road
― The Road
"Only remember that the things you put into your head are at that place forever, he said. You might desire to think about that.
Yous forget some things, dont you?
Yes. Yous forget what you want to remember and y'all remember what you want to forget."
― The Road
Yous forget some things, dont you?
Yes. Yous forget what you want to remember and y'all remember what you want to forget."
― The Road
"Go on a little fire burning; notwithstanding small, however subconscious."
― The Route
― The Route
"What's the bravest thing you ever did?
He spat in the road a bloody phlegm. Getting up this morning time, he said."
― The Road
He spat in the road a bloody phlegm. Getting up this morning time, he said."
― The Road
"You have my whole heart. You always did."
― The Route
― The Route
"If trouble comes when you least expect it then maybe the thing to do is to ever expect information technology."
― The Road
― The Road
"He knew merely that his child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke."
― The Road
― The Road
"You lot have to carry the fire."
I don't know how to."
Yep, you do."
Is the fire real? The burn?"
Yes information technology is."
Where is it? I don't know where information technology is."
Yes y'all exercise. It's inside you lot. Information technology always was there. I tin can see it."
― The Road
I don't know how to."
Yep, you do."
Is the fire real? The burn?"
Yes information technology is."
Where is it? I don't know where information technology is."
Yes y'all exercise. It's inside you lot. Information technology always was there. I tin can see it."
― The Road
"Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it."
― The Road
― The Road
"When y'all dice it's the same as if everybody else did too."
― The Route
― The Route
"If simply my centre were rock."
― The Road
― The Road
"Mind to me, he said, when your dreams are of some globe that never was or some earth that never will be, and you're happy again, and then you'll have given upwardly. Do you understand? And you tin't requite up, I won't let y'all."
― The Road
― The Road
"If you interruption little promises, you'll intermission large ones."
― The Road
― The Road
"And then they set out along the blacktop in the gunmetal light, shuffling through the ash, each the other's world entire."
― The Route
― The Route
"No lists of things to be done. The day providential to itself. The hr. There is no afterward. This is later. All things of grace and beauty such that ane holds them to one's centre have a common provenance in hurting. Their nascency in grief and ashes."
― The Road
― The Road
"Where men can't alive gods fare no amend."
― The Route
― The Route
"Past day the banished sun circles the earth similar a grieving female parent with a lamp."
― The Road
― The Road
"Query: How does the never to be differ from what never was?"
― The Road
― The Road
"What would y'all do if I died?
If yous died I would want to dice as well.
So yous could be with me?
Yes. So I could be with you.
― The Road
If yous died I would want to dice as well.
So yous could be with me?
Yes. So I could be with you.
― The Road
"Can you do it? When the time comes? When the time comes there will be no time. At present is the time. Curse God and die."
― The Road
― The Road
"When one has zip left make ceremonies out of the air and exhale upon them."
― The Route
― The Route
"The frailty of everything revealed at final. Old and troubling issues resolved into nothingness and night. The last instance of a affair takes the class with it. Turns out the lite and is gone. Expect effectually you lot. Ever is a long time. But the male child knew what he knew. That always is no fourth dimension at all."
― The Road
― The Road
"Peradventure in the world'southward destruction it would exist possible at last to run across how it was made. Oceans, mountains. The ponderous counterspectacle of things ceasing to be. The sweeping waste, hydroptic and coldly secular. The silence."
― The Road
― The Road
"When he went back to the fire he knelt and smoothed her hair as she slept and he said if he were God he would have made the world just so and no different."
― The Road
― The Road
"You have my whole heart. Y'all always did. You're the all-time guy. You always were."
― The Road
― The Road
"He thought each retention recalled must do some violence to its origins. As in a party game. Say the words and pass it on. And then be sparing. What y'all alter in the remembering has withal a reality, known or not."
― The Road
― The Road
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